Contact us
TLAP have traditionally responded to requests for support from the TLAP team or NCAG.
As a small (but perfectly formed!) team, with a large work programme, we are limited in the number of requests we are able to support.
We are able to support requests where there is demonstrable impact from our involvement, and which align to Making It Real principles, and our work programme themes which include:
- Community based commissioning and support including innovation
- Self directed support including direct payments, ISF’s, personal assistants
- Making it Real - the sector benchmark for what good, personalised and community-based support looks like
- Co-production
Request support
If you would like to request support please contact us using this form.
We will endeavour to respond to you within 10 working days.
If we are unable to support we will try and direct you to a relevant TLAP Partner organisation, or resources which may help.