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Co-production Week 2024

Co-production week is back for another year of online activity. Join us from 1 to 5 July to celebrate co-production and explore the theme of 'what's missing?'.

Hack Day homepage hero

Making events more inclusive

The voices of people who draw on care and support are often missing from conferences and events. We're working with Social Care Future to change this, and we'd like your help.

Technology homepage

Help us understand how people who draw on care and support use technology

We would like to talk to people about how they use technology and how they feel about it. This research will shape policy looking at how technology can support people to live their lives their way.

Language revolution

It’s time for a language revolution

Clenton Farquharson, Associate Director of Think Local Act Personal, highlights the importance of language in reshaping the landscape of care and support.

Projects to support professionals

Our key tools

TLAP Care and Support Jargon Buster

TLAP's  Care and Support Jargon Buster makes sense of jargon that is used in health and social care. Add the TLAP Jargon Buster to your website by downloading the widget. Now with a COVID19 explainer.

Innovations in community-centred support

A directory of innovations for commissioners and providers to find out about community-centred approaches that are having a positive impact on people’s lives.

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