Personalised care & support planning tool

A tool to support integrated care planning and personal budgets for people with health and social care needs.


Key Resources

Personalisation in registered services

Examples of solutions in registered services to accelerate personalisation - visual stories and blog.

Making it Real - how to do person-centred care and support

A framework to support better conversations and co-produced solutions with I and We statements.

Progress in personalised care and support planning

This self-assessment tool is targeted at teams who provide care for individuals who have complex care needs.

Personal budgets in mental health

A briefing aimed at clinical commissioning groups expanding the use of personal budgets to people with mental health conditions, as part of the NHS mandate

My life, my support, my choice: a narrative for person centred coordinated care and support for children and young people with complex lives.

The report sets out how good, coordinated - or integrated- support looks to children and young people with complex lives up to the age of 25

Getting the sums right - How to sustainably finance personal health budgets

Case studies showing how to implement personal health budgets

Joining up health and social care personal budgets

Relevant to commissioners and providers at different stages of implementation

A wealth of information: Your questions on personal health budgets answered

This briefing gives practical information for commissioners and providers of NHS-funded care, as they introduce personal health budgets.

Getting serious about personalisation in the NHS

This guide complements the Prospectus for the Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) Programme.

No Assumptions: a Narrative for Personalised, Coordinated Care and Support in Mental Health

This guide highlights the key factors that are particular to managing mental health and wellbeing from the perspective of people who use mental health services.

Personal Health Budgets: Including people with learning disabilities

Case studies from three sites showing the benefits of personal health budgets for integrating health and care support.

Integrated Care and Support: Our Shared Commitment

Government framework signed by 12 national partners outlining steps towards integrating health and social care.

Personal budgets and personal health budgets

Personal budgets and personal health budgets give people the freedom and choice to direct both types of care and therefore integrate the two systems.