Self-directed Support Forum
Membership of the Self-directed Support Forum
The SDS Forum brings together people concerned to help make positive progress with self-directed support. Participants include people using social care, family carers, commissioners and providers, researchers, improvement agencies and others.
Key priorities
- Move forward on key themes identified at the Ministerial Summit on the Personalisation of Care, September 2013. You can read an update on the Ministerial Summit for more information.
- Measure progress with personal budgets and identifying areas for improvement through the annual National Personal Budgets Survey
- Developing best practice guidance and materials to support councils with care and support planning and review duties, as outlined in the Care Act
- Delivering the Personalisation Action Plan. (opens new window)
Self-directed Support Forum products
Besides Trust is the key and Reducing process, increasing choice and control, the Forum has produced resources aimed at specific groups.
Direct payments
Improving Direct Payments uptake
Disability Rights UK were commissioned by TLAP to review promising practice in improving uptake of direct payments. A workshop and two webinars were held in Spring 2013. A report and case studies have been published.
Improving Direct Payments uptake: Report and Case Studies
Sharing effective practice in maximising uptake of direct payments - webinars
Older people
Older people and personal budgets
TLAP is working with ADASS and others to explore how to improve delivery of personal budgets to older people. Following the publication of a first stage report we are exploring local case studies. These will be published by TLAP in December 2013 linked to a second stage report. We will also be using the findings to advise the Prime Minister's Dementia Challenge.
Phase One of Improving personal budgets for older people - A review
Improving Personal Budgets for older people project
Personalising Homecare
The DH has launched a Homecare Challenge with The Guardian Social Care Network. TLAP partner In Control, working with the United Kingdom Home Care Association and Helen Sanderson Associates has produced a model for Individual Service Funds in Homecare and a provider self-assessment and planning tool.
Children and personalisation
TLAP are members of the Children's Personalisation Network and are currently exploring joint opportunities, linking to the parallel adults and children's legislation and current children's Pathfinder programme 'Preparing for Adulthood'.
Mental Health
Mental Health and Personalisation
The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) have published a practical resource Paths to Personalisation supported and endorsed by TLAP. A national conference was held in June 2013, you can download the presentations from the event website.