Reducing process case studies
The case studies are taken from councils that participated in workshops; the workshop sessions took place in April 2013. TLAP commissioned Sitra to run three workshops to help local authorities improve their Self Directed Support (SDS) processes.
The workshops provided an opportunity to share positive practice for reducing process to improve the experience for service users and carers. These case studies are a distillation of the views and experiences expressed by the workshop participants and do not represent the position in all councils. We hope to revisit the case studies for evidence of impact at a later stage.
The case studies are categorised into the key themes identified within the workshops.
Case studies
Information and Advice
Direct Payment Agreements and Factsheets
The ADASS West Midlands Direct Payments Network has reviewed Direct Payment Agreements and accompanying factsheets.
On-line resource directory
East Sussex County Council has developed an on-line directory of services that brings together a range of information in one place.
Supported Self-Assessment
The case studies suggest ways to overcome common concerns in supported self assessments including a lack in self-direction.
Improved planning and outcomes for disabled younger people and adults
Worcestershire County Council has set up two new teams in order to improve the transition of younger disabled people.
Self-confirmation of assessments by experienced practitioners
Essex County Council has changed its authorisation process for assessments, giving practitioners more responsibility.
Indicative Allocation
The case studies highlight issues including public understanding, practitioner commitment and pressure on resources.
New ways of working
Southend Borough Council has introduced a number of changes to make its business processes more efficient.
Resource Allocation Systems workshops
Warwickshire County Council has run a series of workshops on their RAS aimed at supporting adult social care managers.
Support Planning and Approval
Independent support planning & brokerage
East Sussex County Council has commissioned independent support planning and brokerage.
Mobile working and outcome focus
Cumbria County Council has put a software package onto practitioner's laptops which includes the assessment and resource allocation tool.
Support planning café
North Tyneside Council has set up a Support Planning Cafe' for adults with learning disabilities.
New information for a new customer journey
Derby City Council has used co-production to develop clear and easy to use customer information to support their new customer journey for SDS.
More Efficient Working
Implementing a pre-paid card for people using Direct Payments
Islington Council has introduced a pre-paid card for people using Direct Payments.
Managing contracts better
Telford & Wrekin Council has reduced the amount of process involved in managing contracts
Mobile working and outcome focus
Cumbria County Council has put a software package onto practitioner's laptops which includes the assessment and resource allocation tool.
New ways of working
Southend Borough Council has introduced a number of changes to make its business processes more efficient.
Pass card for the personalisation and recovery pathway
Coventry City Council has introduced a Pass Card as an integral component of their Personalisation and Recovery Pathway for people with mental health needs.
Re-design of Self Directed Support documentation
Portsmouth City Council has redesigned its assessment/support planning and review documentation.
Review of direct payments policies and procedures
Stoke City Council set up a Task & Finish Group to review its Direct Payments policies procedures and practice.
System Re-design
Improving the SDS pathway
Norfolk County Council has undertaken a review of its SDS process to increase the number of people taking up Personal Budgets.
Improving the SDS pathway
Kirklees Council has undertaken a review of its SDS pathway by developing its Care Navigation model.
Operational staff leading change and reducing paperwork
Hampshire County Council Adult Services set up a Personalisation Review Programme to take a fundamental look at the SDS business process.
Re-design of the SDS process
Derbyshire County Council has undertaken a fundamental review of its SDS process and tools.
Re-designing the customer journey
Lancashire County Council has co-produced a new person centred journey.
SDS acceleration
Herefordshire County Council has started a business change programme called Self-Directed Support (SDS) Acceleration.
Simplifying businesses processes for SDS
Sunderland City Council has taken steps to fundamentally review and streamline their SDS processes.
Social care re-script
Doncaster Council has re-defined the SDS pathway for people needing social care support across the FACs spectrum.
Whole systems review
Camden Council undertook a whole systems review, using "systems thinking" principles to reorganise services.