Reducing process case studies

The case studies are taken from councils that participated in workshops; the workshop sessions took place in April 2013. TLAP commissioned Sitra to run three workshops to help local authorities improve their Self Directed Support (SDS) processes.

The workshops provided an opportunity to share positive practice for reducing process to improve the experience for service users and carers. These case studies are a distillation of the views and experiences expressed by the workshop participants and do not represent the position in all councils. We hope to revisit the case studies for evidence of impact at a later stage.

The case studies are categorised into the key themes identified within the workshops.

Case studies

Information and Advice

The case studies suggest ways in which to improve the provision of information and advice.

Supported Self-Assessment

The case studies suggest ways to overcome common concerns in supported self assessments including a lack in self-direction.

Indicative Allocation

The case studies highlight issues including public understanding, practitioner commitment and pressure on resources.

Support Planning and Approval

The case studies suggest improvements to market development and how to overcome common frustrations such as lack of clarity and the time support planning takes.


These case studies give examples of where councils have engaged with people using services, carers and front line staff and their managers in reviewing and improving their SDS processes.

More Efficient Working

The case studies give examples of where councils have changed and improved their working practices in order to make the SDS process easier for practitioners to operate.

System Re-design

The case studies give examples of where councils have reviewed their SDS processes and subsequently implemented streamlined processes.