Preparation - What this means for the workforce



  • Administration of appointments / pulling together information from different agencies and sites / administration of team templates.
  • Resource design / production including localisation / use of appropriate language / ensure accessibility.
  • Support the lead practitioner in collecting / managing self assessment and other relevant information (e.g. Integrated Personal Commissioning Individual Resource Statement).
  • Timely / reliable contact with person.
  • Working in a person-centred way and able to use person-centred thinking skills and tools to do this.

Communication skills:

  • Communication with the person - potential navigator / key contact role
    • Style: Friendly, welcoming and personable 'help from next door rather than help from on high'.
    • Able to explain clearly the process / what this means in a way that works for the person:
      • What is in it for person / the benefits and differences from previous experiences.
      • Answer questions clearly.
      • Listens to and understand the person's preferences for
        - the way they want their information (with examples) / timings (when, where and what times best for him - and anyone else who he wants to be there) / how best to help person look at any support they may need (people that you get on well with, like best) / when and where to have the conversation.
      • Explores information sharing - to be confirmed in the discussion.


The practitioner who oversees the preparation may or may not be the person who supports the conversation and discussion.

Technical expertise (with admin support):

  • Health:
    • To collect, collate and sift clinical data.
    • Decide tests and assessments the person needs to have now.
    • Identifying key issues of concern.
    • Summarises what's working (asset based), not working from practitioner perspective in relation to their health.
    • Knowledge and skills in person-centred practices, for example one-page profiles.
  • Social care:
    • Assessing eligibility and financial assessment in local context.
    • Identifying other specialist assessments the person needs to have now -proportionality.
    • Identifying key issues of concern.
    • Summarises what's working (asset based) / not working from practitioner perspective in relation to their social care needs.
    • Knowledge and skills in person-centred practices, for example one-page profiles.

Team leadership skills:

    • Organising CSP in the way that works best for the person, in the most time efficient and lean way (with the relevant knowledge of the system), keeping the person at the centre of the decision making at all times.
    • To make initial judgments on the level of detail needed.
    • The likely need for care and support planning discussion to take place in two stages:
      • Working with the person to exchange information (lived experience, health, financial) and identify outcomes.
      • Working with the person to support them to work through how they will use their PB to meet their needs and outcomes (which may occur with a different person than the initial conversation).
    • Which team members will provide the best response, whether joint assessments might be most efficient and where, when and what order this should take place.
    • As this is a different way of working, and involves person-centred practices, team leaders who understand person-centred team working and how to use person-centred practices within their leadership role would be important.
    • Building person-centred teams.


In the first PCSP process, the person is being asked to take part in something new and will be offered support. The person providing the support may have number of short term and long term roles within the team. It might be a volunteer who keeps in touch long term for friendship and support.

Supporter skills:

  • Able to support the person to think about what is important to them and what is working and not working with whatever prompts or tools are useful. If necessary record this with them.
  • Confident and knowledgeable of their role and can clearly explain the support they can offer and how this works alongside other roles in the multidisciplinary team.
  • Work in a person-centred way that keeps decision-making close to the person and supports them to understand the process and make the decisions that they need to make at this point. Supporting them to complete the documentation for example beginning a profile as necessary.
  • Know how to use a range of person centred practices.