Record - What this means for the workforce

Joint PCSP: Key roles

Role of the practitioner (with the person) at the end of the PCSP conversation:

  • Use a format, detail and wording that works for person and practitioner.
  • Clear outcomes / goals and actions recorded, including who is responsible for what.
  • Record decisions about planned personal budget usage / needs to be met / intended outcomes / how resources will be deployed towards these.
  • Summary of decisions and actions and how they will be reviewed.
  • Understand working together for change.

Role of the person who is working to agree use of personal budget with person:

  • Conversant with Care Act requirements and expectations around PHB usage and management.
  • Conversant with local IPC arrangements for integrating personal budgets across health and social care and other funding streams.
  • Conversant with local data collection requirements, e.g. to understand people's experience and outcomes or to inform local commissioning.
  • Conversant with local processes and documentation for sign off.