Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) announce new investment in co-production

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Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) working with the National Co-production Advisory Group (NCAG) is proud to announce new investment in co-production, aimed at fostering deeper engagement in all aspects of our partnerships work, with people who draw on care and support.

Made possible with additional funds for co-production within our workplan agreement with Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), this investment underscores our long standing commitment to inclusivity and collaboration in the field of social care, with the ultimate goal of facilitating those with lived experience to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of social care as equal partners with other care and support leaders and workers.

Funding is split between co-production in our governance and decision making, and in the delivery of our workplan. This includes a new recruitment round this autumn to bring NCAG numbers up to 15 people and support a clearer and fuller role in our decision making and governance structure for the group.  

It also allows for greater inclusion and diversity of perspectives in the delivery of our workplan alongside NCAG members and others, opening up our work to even more people and groups wanting to get involved in our project, policy, co-design and co-production workshops.  

These are the ways in which NCAG and other people with diverse lived experience will contribute to the delivery of the workplan:

Project Design Groups  

  • Small working groups collaborating with us to co-design projects, workshops, webinars, or resources intended for publication. 

Co-production Workshops  

  • Tailored workshops designed for co-producing workplan objectives. 

  • Facilitated or contributed to by NCAG members, these workshops also open to broader participation. 

  • Examples include the co-production of care workforce values, feeding into the Care Workforce Pathway, or the creation of Making It Real I and We Statements.  

Heads Together Sessions 

  • Hour-long meetings providing a platform for diverse perspectives on specific topics and themes. 

  • Topics can be raised by various stakeholders, including our project teams; government; TLAP partners and other organisations. Systems to facilitate external requests are being developed.  

Requests for Support 

  • Our workplan allows for us to respond to unplanned for requests for support.  

  • This will often include roundtables, events, external working groups, public speaking, and media work.  

  • Decisions on these will be made within project teams, activity that may flow from a request will be available to both NCAG and non-NCAG members to be part of the delivery team.  

Learning and Development Sessions  

  • Sessions designed to facilitate learning and development for NCAG, the team, and other stakeholders.  

  • These sessions are preparatory stages for deeper engagement, co-design, and co-production and focus on information gathering, Q&A and bringing in new insights.

Investment plans to allow greater inclusion and closer working with NCAG members within our internal governance and decision making, include: 

TLAP Board  

  • Our board serves as the principal sector spanning body within TLAP's governance structure, seeking agreement on critical partnership matters and reports. NCAG represented through its co-chairs.  

Quarterly Workplan Reviews 

  • Meetings held before board sessions for NCAG to review progress on workplan deliverables and raise points for board consideration via their co-chairs. 

Regular Governance Group meetings to co-produce ways of working 

  • A crucial sub-group of NCAG responsible for co-producing ways of working to achieve our funded goals. 

TLAP Project Teams 

  • Project teams enable NCAG members to participate in day-to-day discussions related to our workplan areas. Each project team focuses on a specific workplan area and named NCAG members collaborate closely with team members to oversee progress.  Project Teams make collective decisions on requests for support received within their workplan area.  

Digital, Data and Technology Working Group 

  • NCAG members interested in the use of technology within care and support meet with team members to keep each other informed, debate hot topics and agree priorities for our work in this area.   

Across the board, this investment in co-production and inclusion signifies a further step forward in the evolution of our co-production work with NCAG, partners and beyond - but it's only the start. 

Sign up to stay informed on progress and announcements on our co-production offers and support as they develop.