Podcast - Why language matters and social care jargon

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“Words can invite people in, or keep them out”. Listen to our podcast about why language matters and the impact this has on people who access services (5 mins) with Catriona Moore and Sally Percival, hosted by Linda Doherty from TLAP. 

Read Catriona and Sally's blogs on jargon: Daring to drop the jargon and See me, I'm a person.

Catriona Moore edits TLAP's Care and Support Jargon Buster with its Plain English definitons of the most commonly used jargon in social care. Sally is a strong advocate for accessible language for everyone. Linda Doherty from TLAP oversees this project. 

It remains our most popular online product.  You can embed the widget to the TLAP Care and Support Jargon Buster on your website.