Making Self-Directed Support Real

Save the Date - 28th June

Bookings to this event are now CLOSED

The next Self-Directed Support Forum will take place on the 28th June at Trowbridge Civic Centre in Wiltshire. A key theme for  the day will focus on Wiltshire’s Health and Social Care Transformation plans, Making Self-Directed Support Real and co-production

Wiltshire's Transformation plans

Wiltshire Council has developed an ambitious plan to transform the way social care is delivered.

As the leading service user organisation in Wiltshire, Wiltshire CIL is working with TLAP and local VCSE groups to support people who use services to be at the forefront of this delivery and ensure they are part of negotiating and coproducing the services on offer. The overall aim is to help people to remain as independent as possible at home while continuing to lead a good life in the community through strengths based approach in self-directed support. This is about working with people to build on what they can do for themselves rather than focussing on what they can’t.

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Presentation notes and slides


Geraldine Bently

Wiltshire CIL

Martin Routledge

In Control & SocialCareFuture

Rachel Mason

National Co-production Advisory Group

Caroline Waugh

National Co-production Advisory Group

Tim Parkin

TLAP Policy Advisor

Martin Walker

Policy Advisor Self Directed Support
