Care Markets and Quality Forum
Why join the forum?
You'll find out about the latest good practice on how to commission and provide affordable, quality services that people want. All examples fully comply with council duties under Section 5 of the Care Act 2014.
Events or online events take place once a quarter and you will be kept-up-to date by enews and blogs.
What does the Care Markets & Quality Forum do?
- hosts regional events/workshops and webinars to share good practice
- identifies innovation, tackles problems
- encourages members to share with networks and localities
- shapes and influence innovation and policy
- encourages local conversations
- Informs TLAP’s program to develop the market and workforce.
Who are the members?
People who work across the health, care and housing sectors, people who access services, carers, commissioners of care and support, providers of care and support, strategic bodies such as Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Skills for Care, and other stakeholders.
Hosted by TLAP and chaired by Bill Davidson, member of National Co-production Advisory Group (NCAG).
How can I join?
Register for a tlap web account to receive enews and updates
Steering group
A steering group will oversee the specific CMQF work programme and will consist of the following membership:
- Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)
- Care Provider Alliance (CPA)
- Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
- Local Government Association (LGA)
- National Co-production Advisory Group (NCAG)
- NHS England (NHSE)
- Skills for Care
- Housing Learning