Personalisation in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities - Report
What does good personalised community-based care and support look like for people in ethnically diverse communities? This report aims to find good examples of personalised care and community-based support for people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. It features 14 organisations around England offering services for different cohorts of people. See the map of organisations. (opens new window)
Although diverse, all the organisations are all doing personalisation within a broad framework of promoting health and wellbeing as envisaged in the Care Act. The support was person-centred and highly sensitive to people’s identities, background and beliefs, using staff and volunteers rooted in their communities. This came with a strong ‘can do’ ethos which stretched beyond only meeting people’s needs for care and support. Key aspects of personalisation are illustrated here. (opens new window)
TLAP believes there are many more organisations providing great personalised and community-based support, but they may be ‘hidden in plain sight’. Local care and health decision makers are encouraged to engage with organisations like those featured in the report, in order that personalisation becomes more inclusive, more equal and better for everyone.