What's next for personalised care and support?

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An update from the Personalisation Summit which took place on the 11 September 2013. The Summit was hosted by hosted by Minister for Care Services Norman Lamb.

There is strong consensus that significant progress has been made towards delivering personalised care and support as the 'norm'. However, while the numbers of people accessing personal budgets have risen significantly, urgent attention is required to ensure personal budgets and the wider personalisation agenda delivers the best outcomes for people, carers and families, regardless of where they live, their needs or circumstances.

The current acute and sustained pressure on public finances puts at risk the progress already made. Strong leadership is needed to drive through the further fundamental changes required to secure a sustainable system of personalised care and support for the future as the Care Bill comes into effect.

The Personalisation Summit Action Plan Summary summarises the next steps, timescales and the main themes for action following the Personalisation Summit including:

  • Promoting and embedding culture change
  • Improving people's experience of personalisation
  • Stimulating and supporting market diversity
  • Assurance, performance and accountability