TLAP Care Act 2014 Survey Results and Easy Read

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Care Act survey results

TLAP’s Care Act survey, commissioned by Department of Health, is the first to explore the impact of the Care Act on the lives of people with care and support needs.  A survey of this scope has never been done before.  It was completed in 2016 following the first year of implementation of the Care Act in 2015.

The survey was carried out by 1,181 people aged 18 and over. Of these, 391 were people who need care and support themselves, and 643 were carers.

Questions focussed on aspects of personalisation such as ease of access to information and advice, whether advocacy support was offered, people’s experiences of assessment and care planning.

TLAP’s partner organisations were closely involved in developing and promoting the survey with representation from In Control, National Co-production Advisory Group, Healthwatch, National Voices and Care and Support Alliance amongst others.