Social Care Innovation Network -phase II report

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This report is intended for those wishing to develop an asset-based approach to care and support, commissioners interested in alternative approaches to commissioning and people who access or wish to access care and support through a direct payment, individual service fund or personal budget.

The summary report highlights key messages from Phase II of the Social Care Innovation Network, and the outputs of the three learning groups. It describes the challenges, identifies key learning themes from each of the groups and makes recommendations for future work.

Three key areas of work focused on:

  • developing the asset-based model
  • re-designing commissioning
  • taking self-directed support back to its roots.

What is the Social Care Innovation Network?

The Social Care Innovation Network (SCIN) is a partnership between SCIE, TLAP and Shared Lives Plus, funded by the Department of Health and Social Care. Its purpose is to examine and promote ways that innovative approaches to social care can flourish and develop. The network has brought together councils and organisations which provide care and support to people, citizens and national bodies to work collaboratively and creatively, in order to push the boundaries of what is possible in growing innovation.

The values of the work are in line with TLAP’s Making It Real approach, such as the ‘I’ statement which describes how social care support should be about supporting a person’s life not the services being provided. “I can live the life I want and do the things that are important to me as independently as possible”

Phase I of the project focused on exploration – to explore in depth the challenges and barriers to sharing and scaling up innovation across the adult social care sector. The outcomes were summarised in a report Getting under the skin of it.