Context - What this means for Millie


Millie has an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan already. The Special Educational Needs (SEN) team and Millie's social worker agree how to align the annual review process for the EHC plan under the Children and Families Act 2014 and the development of a personalised care and support plan under the Care Act 2014, so that Millie has one plan for her life as she prepares for adulthood. This includes some extra work with her social worker before the annual review. Millie has already had a Child Needs Assessment (CNA) under the Care Act 2014 and has an indicative personal budget for her adult social care needs.

The social worker identifies what extra information is needed before the review. As Millie is over 14 years old, her annual review for the EHC plan focuses on preparing for adulthood (including her outcomes related to employment, independent living, community inclusion and health and wellbeing) and uses a person-centred approach. The information from the review will be used to turn her transition plan into a personalised care and support plan. This enables the various agencies involved in Millie's life to capture all the information they need while ensuring Millie has one plan whilst she is in education.

When she leaves education, the personalised care and support plan will become the single document as Millie is over 18 years old.