TLAP responds to the Government's Winterbourne View programme of action

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TLAP responds to the Government's Winterbourne View programme of action

Brave, determined and creative leadership can overcome barriers for good quality services that give people choice and control over their lives, according to a new report published by the TLAP Partnership today.

"Be Bold: developing the market for the small numbers of people with very complex needs" is part of TLAP's response to the Government's final report into the events at Winterbourne View Hospital.

TLAP commissioned the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) to draw together best practice that will help adult social care commissioners and their health partners, providers, and people who use services and their families to work together to develop local, individualised services that increase choice and control.

The publication is part of an ongoing work programme, led by TLAP's National Market Development Forum (NMDF), to identify barriers to reducing the need for specialist assessment and treatment hospitals and identify solutions for providing effective local services. TLAP is a key partner in the government's programme to transform services so people with very complex needs no longer live inappropriately in hospitals.

Bill Mumford, Chair of the NMDF and Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG), says:

"We chose the title "Be Bold" to give courage to those individuals, families, commissioners and providers who are striving, seemingly against the odds, to create good local services for people who, more often than not, find themselves excluded. By sharing stakeholder strategies and ideas, and learning from their examples, we hope you will be inspired and emboldened to do likewise. We will undertake further work with individuals and families, providers and health and social care commissioners to identify further solutions."

Jane Carrier from the NDTi says:

"Developing the market of services and support for people with complex needs is clearly something that many local commissioners are struggling with. However, there are examples of good practice to draw on, and evidence about what does and does not work in achieving this. "Be Bold" aims to be a resource to help people with this important agenda for change."

"Be Bold: developing the market for the small numbers of people with very complex needs" can be downloaded at the link below.


For more information, contact:
Jaimee Lewis
Senior Communications Adviser
Tel: 07850 774453
Twitter: @tlap1

Notes to editors:

  • Think Local Act Personal is an alliance of over 30 national social care partners committed to improving the delivery of personalised, community-based support. The Partnership brings together people using social care and family carers to work alongside central and local government, major provider bodies, the third and voluntary sector and other key groups
  • Be Bold was authored by Jane Carrier, NDTi, on behalf of the Think Local Act Personal Partnership
  • The NDTi is a not-for-profit organisation concerned with promoting inclusion and equality for people who risk exclusion and who need support to lead a full life. We have a particular interest in issues around age, disability, mental health and children and young people.