Think Local Act Personal welcomes the eight areas across England that have been announced as the new Integrated Personal Commissioning sites for NHS England

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Think Local Act Personal welcomes the eight areas across England that have been announced as the new Integrated Personal Commissioning sites for NHS England.

The eight areas are: Portsmouth, the South West consortium, Tower Hamlets, Hampshire, Luton, Barnsley, Cheshire and Cheshire West and Stockton.

TLAP Director Dr Sam Bennett said:

"TLAP will be supporting the programme by ensuring that with integration, comes personalisation, so that people living in those areas can expect the same focus on their independence, the same regard for their dignity and wishes and the same opportunities to make choices and take control, whether they have a long term health condition or a social care need, a mental health problem or a learning disability."

"The pressures on the system demand we think differently and embrace the transformations necessary to drive forward a new model of care and a truly person-centred NHS. This means people with health and social care needs themselves, with support, leading the change as the most effective integrators of their own care. We will continue our work with NHS England, the LGA and ADASS to bring together our years of learning and experience in person-centred care and support to make the next stage of personalisation a success."

TLAP has already supported the IPC programme in its early stages by launching a website to support the programme - The site contains information on the various materials that already exist that will help the programme build on what has been learnt already when it comes to developing new person-centred care and finance models.

TLAP has also published several joint briefings with the NHS Confederation addressing issues around implementing personal budgets across health and social care, which will assist IPC sites and others interested in personalisation across health and social care.