Getting serious about personalisation in the NHS

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Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) welcomes today's announcement by NHS England inviting health and social care leaders to help build a new integrated and personalised commissioning approach for people with complex needs.

Sam Bennett, Director of health and care partnership Think Local Act Personal says:

"The Integrated Personal Commissioning programme confirms the next stage of personalisation will be its most ambitious. The time is now right to do this - the pressures on the system demand we think differently and embrace the transformations necessary to drive forward a new model of care and a truly person-centred NHS. This means people with health and social care needs themselves, with the support they need, leading the change as the most effective integrators of their own care and support. Think Local Act Personal is ready to support the IPC programme as a key delivery partner, bringing together years of learning and experience and the leadership of the wider health and care sector around a shared commitment to make the next stage of personalisation a success."

Getting serious about personalisation in the NHS (opens new window) is part of TLAP's response. The publication complements the IPC Prospectus (opens new window), which is a joint NHS England, LGA, TLAP and ADASS publication inviting expressions of interest from the voluntary sector, providers and commissioners in the IPC programme.

Getting serious about personalisation in the NHS, produced with the support of NHS England, the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), brings together years of learning and experience and the leadership of the wider health and care sector around a shared commitment to make the next stage of personalisation a success. This includes working across the partnership to identify and address barriers, developing guidance and resources, sharing networks, delivering onsite support to IPC areas and sharing examples of what works.

Alongside our narrative - Getting Serious, we have produced a summary and an EasyRead which explains the IPC Prospectus and the narrative.