TLAP's Care and Support Jargon Buster goes online

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Think Local Act Personal has produced an online Care and Support Jargon Buster which is free to use and share. Our intention is that the resource will be widely accessible to help people make sense of jargon words and phrases surrounding social care.

An earlier version of the Jargon Buster was produced in 2013 with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and was awarded the Plain English Campaign Award. Based on its popularity, we have produced this latest e-version; additional features include a filter to easily access terms and related terms, and we are inviting people to submit new jargon which they encounter.

All of the terms were carefully checked before they were included in the collection by a steering group which included members of the National Coproduction Advisory Group (NCAG), individuals unfamiliar with social care terminology and key stakeholders from across the social care sector. We will follow this procedure for adding new jargon in the expanded edition.

We want to help demystify the jargon surrounding care and support so that anyone who is involved with social care - be they people who use services, carers, professionals or lay members- can be well informed and feel able to navigate the services available to them.