Think Local Act Personal  
The future of social care: the green paper and working age adults programme
Think Local Act Personal’s partnership meeting saw 55 people coming together to talk to the Department of Health and Social Care about the Green Paper due this summer.   

There was a  wealth of experience and expertise in the room with so many TLAP partners present. We heard from colleagues in the DHSC about their ambition to deliver better outcomes, the grand challenges in the Industrial Strategy and the additional issues facing adults of working age with care and support needs. Some TLAP partners then presented their own hopes for the green paper from the floor. Speakers included Sue Bott, Disability Rights UK and Martin Routledge, Community Circles. The rich table discussions were captured and a summary with information of TLAP's next steps are soon to follow. 

"Well done to you, Caroline and team on a great event - worthwhile use of time"

"I have a greater understanding of the issues round the scope of the green paper exercise and the opportunity it presents"

"We had an engaging discussion, it was good to meet other passionate people". 


Watch the short film clips - starting with Clenton Farquharson MBE, chair of TLAP
Relocating power to citizens for an asset-based area
What does it take to turn ‘customers’ into ‘co-producers’? We know that for the power dynamic to shift, something’s got to give. This time Alex Fox and Clive Miller offer some advice for people with lived experience and commissioners to help them in their journey toward healthy partnership working.

Read How-to guide for an asset based area part 5
Creative Minds
Over the last few weeks TLAP has been showcasing innovative examples of approaches to care and support. The examples are characterised by having genuine purpose namely they are rooted in community, they understand the critical role of family, friends and wider networks and treat people as equal partners.

This week we feature Creative Minds whose work illustrates that health and wellbeing is so much more than medicine.  Using the healing properties of arts and sport, Creative Minds has shown that it is possible to support recovery, improve self-esteem and integrate people with community.  A view endorsed by a recent All Party Parliamentary Group report, which argued that the contribution of arts can act as a powerful supplement to conventional treatments or, in some cases, replace them.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed their one-page summaries and please continue to submit them for our forthcoming online directory.  Email subject title – ‘Innovation’

Read Creative Minds one-page summary
Download the Innovation in health and social care one-page summary template
Coming together to arrange care and support
 TLAP is still looking for recent examples of people coming together to use their money to collectively purchase things to meet their care and support needs. We want to hear from you if you have experience of doing this yourself, as a person with lived experience, or from people involved in supporting this to happen. Completed forms can be emailed to Adam Webb, Policy Advisor. The deadline for submissions is 16th March.

Call for examples template
Asset-based approaches and commissioning event – 19th April, London
TLAP is hosting a free conference to showcase asset-based approaches. You'll  hear from experts about the key ideas that are influencing the debate around asset-based commissioning. 

The event is open to commissioners, providers, sector bodies, people accessing care and support and members of TLAP's Building Community Capacity Practitioners Network. 

Book your place
Do you work with people who have a personal health budget, or have had one in the past?
Almost 23,000 people are now receiving personal health budgets and integrated personal budgets in England. It is important for people to be able to share their experiences, from first conversations through to ongoing support they receive. NHS England has introduced the first national personal health budget experience survey, with plans to recommission it on a yearly basis, in order to improve how budgets are offered in England. The survey will run until 30 April

Complete the survey
NHS ENGLAND: Improving self-care at local level
Health Partnerships is a programme looking at how developing relationships between local people, the VCSE sector and statutory services can help to improve selfcare.  Eight areas are taking part in the programme, and interim findings have just been published.  For more information about the programme, including information from each STP footprint, visit:


VODG: Discussion paper on future hopes for the provider sector
Social care providers must adopt new approaches if they are to survive the challenges of funding cuts and policy changes, according to a latest discussion paper by the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) based on discussions with its members.

Amongst the recommendations is that disabled people should be more involved in decision making and be supported to express their own demands for social care to government.

Read the discussion paper
Calling on people who use services to support Social Work England – deadline 21st March
There are proposed changes to the law that affects the regulation of social work. The Department for Education and the Department of Health and Social Care are running a public consultation. They are particularly keen to hear from people who use services, experts by experience, families and carers. Please forward to your clients and networks.

Complete the consultation survey
About Social Work England
A good read
Recovery and person centred-care in the treatment of people who self-harm
Isaac Samuels, an active member of our National Co-production Advisory Group, has co-authored a chapter for the Essentials of Mental Health Nursing with the academic Karen James.

They tackle the sensitive issue of care of individuals who self-harm or experience suicidal feelings. The book is vital reading for mental health nursing students. 

The student panel said,"We loved hearing the voice of service users theselves throughout the book. Because of this, we know we will be using it througout our course and going forward into our careers to help us make a meaningful difference to those we work with". 

Order your copy
TLAP is moving location
TLAP office will be at the following address from Monday 19th March:

54 Baker St

We will contiue to be hosted by SCIE and telephone numbers for individual team members will remain the same.

Dial  020 7766 7400 and select the menu options for TLAP.

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Think Local Act Personal
Social Care Institute for Excellence
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One High Street
Egham TW20 9HJ

Twitter: @TLAP1