Podcast -the insurance and sustainability principles of Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

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An interview with an actuary and a manager of the NDIS who explain the factors that makes the insurance scheme sustainable for the 400,000 Australians who participate.   

The NDIS is the biggest social policy reform in Australia since Medicare and internationally the scale of the transformation in Australia is unique. The scheme has had a number of stages, including: creation and initial design, trial, transition and now full scheme development.  

In this podcast,(50 min) Dr Sam Bennett, General Manager for Policy, Advice and Research at National Disability Insurance Agency , begins by explaining the reserach functions of the agency which oversees the NDIS. He also compare Australia's insurance approach to England's welfare approach.

Sarah Johnson, the scheme's actuary and most experienced executive will explain in an accesible way the modelling, costing, data collection and reporting of the finances that underpin the insurance schemes sustainability.  

Eddie Bartnik, international lead for the International Initiative for Disability Leadership hosts this podcast, following the first two popular webinars in the series. He offers an overview of the scheme for those who are new to this subject along with his own insights and reflections following 20  years experience as a consultant.

Caroline Speirs, former TLAP head offers a summary of the learning as a conclusion to the podcast and earlier webinars. 

Listen to the podcast here (50 min)

Download the transcript for the podcast. (opens new window)

If you are short on time, refer to the five films on the insurance and sustainability principles of the NDIS.

For further information on Australia's National Disability Insurance scheme, watch the earlier webinars parts one and two. 

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