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Project description

AutonoMe enables people to increase their independence through instructional videos accessed via an app on their phones. Working in conjunction with care providers, the app helps local government and social care providers understand what support people need, which in turn enables a more personalised, efficient service.

Autonome has regular focus groups with a range of people who access care and support and commissioners to gather feedback on new ideas and design changes. 

What was your response to Covid-19?

Provided a slimmed down free version of AutonoMe’s app, which is usually bought on an individual basis.  It has been made available to any person who will benefit from this digital solution in the UK.

The app has been beneficial for person to person care with practical support and support with social distancing.  The digital provider was confident it would help. So far, there have been almost 200 referrals from across the UK.

What is the impact and benefit for people?

The benefit of the app is that it helps provide people with consistency at a time when there are likely changes to their routine. It also helps providers understand how and when it’s appropriate to reflect on the way they support people with house hold activities and when face to face support is required.

Is the solution sustainable post Covid-19?

The app will continue to expand its content which helps people who access support navigate life post-Covid. For example, explaining social distancing, or how to wear a face covering.

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