Oomph Wellbeing

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Project description

Throughout Covid-19, we have been releasing resources based on our Oomph! skills workshops and exercise training course.

These resources, and more, are uploaded to our free Wellbeing Resources Hub for care providers to use. Many of the resources can also be used directly by older adults, including exercise programmes and breathing activities.

Oomph also introduced an updated version of their standard offering – a 12 week programme of virtual calls and email support for care providers to help them where they need it most.

What was your response to Covid-19?

During unprecedented times, Oomph were keen to support older adults in any way possible. We saw a need for stimulating and varied content for older adults and the people who work with them - at a time when the care sector is being affected enormously by the current Covid-19 situation, older adult wellbeing is even more important than ever.

Without friends, family and external entertainment, or regular trips out for older adults to explore their communities, older adults might be feeling disconnected from their loved ones and the outside world. At the same time, teams working in care settings are under increasing time and resource pressure.

What is the impact and benefit for people?

By providing ready-made and accessible content, Oomph helped to alleviate the pressure on care teams and helped to stimulate older adults across the UK.

Resources based on the Oomph! Relax skills workshop can calm older adults during a stressful and anxious time, whilst our exercise programmes encourage gentle movement to keep older adults active at a time when physical activity levels might be low.

Other activities that we suggested keep older adults engaged mentally, physically and emotionally.

More information about Oomph Wellbeing