Shropshire Choices - direct payments

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Project description

Actions undertaken by the Direct Payment Team in Shropshire to ensure direct payment recipients are supported during.

What was your response to Covid-19?

To provide quick and responsive support to direct payment recipients during COVID19 including welfare checks.

What was different about this approach?

The Direct Payment team, with help from colleagues, have contacted direct payment recipients, their family and personal assistants; they have made welfare reassurance calls, have discussed contingency planning as well as employment or general concerns. 

The DP Team have checked access to PPE, offering ID for their Personal Assistants, resolving and directing employment issues and advising of new testing process. Targeted information to people who are at most risk of care breakdown has been shared.

From the calls made, the DP Team noticed how well people they have spoken to are managing in difficult circumstances and facing the adversity stoically.  

What is the impact and benefit for people?

People in receipt of direct payments, some who would not have had recent contact, appreciated that they were contacted. Their questions or concerns were answered and discussions had about contingency plans, level of future contact and where to go for support. In situations that for many had become very isolating this personal contact was appreciated and viewed by many as valuable.