User experience wanted for NICE social care guidance

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The NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care (NCCSC) is looking for a person who uses care or support services or a Carer to become a member of the Scoping Group on Social care of older people with more than one physical or mental health long-term condition in residential or community settings

The NCCSC has been commissioned by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to produce social care guidance on Social care of older people with more than one physical or mental health long-term condition in residential or community settings. The NCCSC is seeking to recruit a Service User or Carer Member to advise the scoping group.

The scoping group meets three times to help shape the 'scope' (or the framework) for the Social care of older people with more than one physical or mental health long-term condition in residential or community settings guidance. The role of the service user or carer member will be to provide insight and challenge based on their experience and knowledge of care services.

Following the completion of the scope, a Guidance Development Group (GDG) is formed, whose role it is to review the evidence on the topic and develop guidance. The Service User or Carer Member of the Scoping Group can apply for membership of the GDG as well, if this is of interest. This will be a formal recruitment process managed by NICE in October 2013.

A fee and expenses will be paid, the closing date is Friday 16th August 2013.