Webinar series: Learning from Australia about the National Disability Insurance Scheme

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Australia is running a ground-breaking social care scheme to support people with disabilities. As of 2020 there are 400,000 people with a disability who are benefiting. By 2021 it will account for 20 per cent of the new jobs created in Australia.

The scheme is known as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Now in its seventh year,  it has received significant government investment.

As an insurance scheme it seeks to minimise lifetime costs whilst maximising lifetime opportunities.  A key feature of the NDIS is that it gives control to the person with the disability and their family so that they hold the power and can exercise choice. The NDIS is therefore embracing the shift to personalised and consumer-directed support that is anticipated to stimulate the market for innovative, effective and efficient provision. 

TLAP and partners involved in social care transformation have taken a keen interest in the NDIS over the years. As England joined the IIDL TLAP Head Caroline Speirs and Chair Clenton Farquharson were pleased to partner with Eddie Bartnik, the International Lead to bring you this webinar series.  

The International Initiative for Disability Leadership (IIDL)

TLAP is a member of IIDL. Members can share experiences and progress with a network of trusted relationships. Eddie Bartnik is the International Lead for the International Initiative for Disability Leadership and will be hosting a series of three webinars with TLAP on the National Disabiliy Insurance Scheme.

Learning from Australia - the National Disability Insurance Scheme

The first webinar: Social care reform - learning from Australia focuses on the creation and initial design of the scheme looking at the ideas, evidence and campaign that helped its formation. 

Further webinars in the series - part II & III

The second webinar will focus on how the NDIS works and is evolving in practice

The third instalment will focus on the sustainability and data aspects of the scheme.

(Whilst the webinars stand alone, it is recommended that you view each to improve your understanding).