Self-directed Support Forum

Launch of Self-directed Support Forum

24th April 10:30-3:30pm

TLAP will be hosting a regular forum for people to come together to discuss self-directed support options.

The aims of the day will be to begin to establish a clear picture of the current status of Self Directed Support. TLAP has been messaging a gap between the intentions of policy and people's lived experience around choice and control.

We want to understand better the reality of this apparent gap, what may be causing it and showcase some good practice that others could take into their own sphere of influence to seek to close the gap where they live and work.

The forums will be free and open to people who need support, provider organisations, commissioners, practitioners and sector leaders.

Participants will be able to hear from people, places and providers that are leading the way in commissioning practice and partnership working. While self-directed support has been a mainstream activity for councils for some years now, TLAP has learned that people across the sector feel there is more to do to ensure people can truly be in control of their support and is it in fact all about Personal Budgets?  

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