Improving the SDS pathway

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What we did

Norfolk County Council has undertaken a root and branch review of its SDS process in order to increase the number of people taking up Personal Budgets. Two project groups were set up (SDS Steering Group and SDS Finance Group) to project plan, resolve sticky issues, agree key actions and monitor progress. Visits were made by members of the project group to high performing councils and a systematic review undertaken of Norfolk's SDS process from start to end, mapping out the customer pathway, and identifying blocks and delays. Following the review major changes have been introduced to improve and speed up the process. Core elements of these changes have been:

  • SDS champions in all teams
  • A simpler assessment form which incorporate the Personal Budget Questionnaire (PBQ) with fewer fields and more use of professional discretion and open text to understand a customer's circumstances
  • Introducing an electronic RAS system which automatically calculates an indicative budget at the end of completing the assessment/PBQ
  • Straightforward support plan allowing for customer input, including setting of objectives and practitioner sign off
  • Funding panels have been stopped and a quicker, more responsive financial authorisation process implemented, which gives more delegated authorisation to practitioners and team managers
  • There is now only one key authorisation point after confirmation of the Personal Budget
  • Improvements made to the financial assessment process, which have speeded up the time it takes to carry out financial assessments
  • Improvements made to Carefirst (Norfolk County Council's client information system) to make the SDS process integral and quicker
  • Introduced new clear procedures and guidance for staff on the SDS process.

Why we did it

To help increase the number of personal budgets by reducing and improving the SDS process.


The changes in the SDS process have been introduced and have contributed to a significant rise in personal budget numbers.

Contact details

Tim O'Mullane
Head of Social Care (Norwich)
Community Services
Norfolk County Council
Tel: 01603 217772