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KeyRing aims to support people living in their own homes through sharing their skills and talents with each other and with their communities. Building these networks is the role of the community living volunteer.

Volunteers are much like good neighbours who help people out when challenges arise. Volunteers also help members make links with each other and with the wider community. One of the first things that members of a new network start to work on is a personal and community map which highlights people's networks of friends and acquaintances and draw out formal resources and amenities, and informal networks and assets within the community. The volunteer lives in the community, which enables them to know what's going on and to help members make the most of where they live.

Elements of co-production are evident across this service. It is a member led organisation. At least two members are involved in the recruitment of new KeyRing staff and members are on the Board of Trustees. This helps to blur the boundaries between people receiving a service and people providing a service. Critically the networks developed are not just adults with care and support needs, but also informally incorporate a wide range of people from the local community. Assets and resources from within the membership base and beyond are carefully identified, in some cases nurtured, and then mobilised to maximise the networks' scope and impact.