Farewell to Shahana Ramsden

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It is a sad day for TLAP as we say goodbye to Shahana Ramsden, who has worked for the team for three years as Making it Real Manager and Senior Co-production Adviser and Equalities Lead -National Co-production Advisory Group.

Shahana has over 27 years' experience in equalities, citizen engagement and co-production so will be taking a wealth of knowledge to her new post at NHS England's Patient and Public Voice team. She has also achieved a place on the innovative Nye Bevan Leadership programme which is run by the NHS Leadership Academy.

"You have been legendary in your work with TLAP and will never be forgotten". Miranda Wixon - Managing Director at The Homecare Partnership, Executive Director at Ceretas and Chair at Care Providers Alliance and TLAP Board member.

"It is definitely NHS England's gain and TLAP's loss, albeit I am sure you will champion TLAP's work in NHS England". Martin Farran - Executive Director of Adults & Communities and TLAP Board member.

"You have the rare dual ability of being both a leader and developing and encouraging leadership qualities in others. I have learnt a huge amount from you and I know how sad the NCAG (and all of TLAP) will be to lose you". Dame Philippa Russell, Chair Standing Commission on Carers at Department of Health and TLAP Board member.

"I have been overwhelmed by the kind, encouraging and supportive comments from TLAP Board members, team members, partners and the emotional farewells from the National Co-production Advisory Group. Although it is hard to let go, at least I know that the programme is in good hands and now that so many colleagues are now using twitter I am sure we will continue our energetic dialogues and debates". Shahana Ramsden