Advice and information needs in adult social care

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The Advice and information needs in adult social care report is an interactive map that demonstrates people's typical journeys through the complicated care system and identifies the "pinch points" where councils and other organisations need to improve the information and advice on offer to people and families.

Think Local Act Personal commissioned Independent Age to produce a map of the existing systems in place to support people with social care needs and the typical journeys taken through those systems. After initial work, the map was further developed at a series of meetings and a workshop with local authorities, service providers, service users and carers. The workshop also helped to identify points in the system where information and advice are most needed and also key reasons why information may not be provided or may be ineffective.

Chair of TLAP's Information and Advice work stream and Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence Andrea Sutcliffe has provided a foreword to introduce the set of Information and Advice tools and outline plans for future development.

The print version of the report is not interactive.